September 7, 2011

New Cards and Props

There's been lots going on the past couple weeks here. First up, I just got in some customized thank you and care for your prints and canvas cards I can now include with your orders!
And secondly, I've been working on lots of new props for shoots. This one in particular is a 4-foot moon cut out of wood. I'll be picking it up from the friend who painted the face tomorrow. I'll be "over the moon"  excited to use it. ;)
I'm sure there will be more to share soon. The studio is looking AWESOME and I've been working really hard on a themed shoot that will take place sometime within the next couple of months... Although, I won't share what it is until a later day. :)


Tifany said...

Fun! That moon looks great! Who is painting the face?

Alisha Hurt Photography said...

Thanks! Paul Tate is painting it.