You may have noticed that my blog hasn't been updated in over a year, so I wanted to explain what I've been doing all of this time. In October 2013, I gave birth to a 1lb 3oz baby boy named Roscoe. He was hospitalized due to his prematurity and then due to his ongoing heart and lung development issues. I cared for him every day to make sure that he knew what love was, even in a cold hospital environment. My son grew slowly and steadily for over 9 months, but sadly he passed away a few months ago. My husband kept a blog each day of Roscoe's life, so there are plenty of pictures and videos of the happy time we had with our boy. Quite honestly the story had enough twists and turns to equal a hollywood blockbuster. You can read the blog in its entirety here.
I have returned to photography full-time, so over the next few weeks you'll be able to see some of the recent sessions that I've done as 2014 nears its close. More to come soon!
Yippee!!! Glad you are back! Looking forward to seeing more of your outstanding photography!
Love, Sherre : )
Welcome Back friend! Love you:) Lana
Good for you, Alisha! Love, Aria
Thank you so much for your dedication to precious Roscoe. Thank you for working so hard to teach him what true love is. You are a great example to mommies everywhere! : )
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