February 2, 2012

The Pink Box Donut Shop - Kids & Donuts

As I mentioned before, the next couple of posts will be all about yummy donuts! Today I'll be sharing a few pictures from the shoot I did with the kids. The goal for the overall look and feel of this shoot was to give it that local, mom and pop shop spark. And what better way to convey that than shooting it in the donut shop with a bunch of adorable children? :)

This is what they call a Birthday Donut. It's HUGE.

If you're in Lincoln, be sure to stop by and check them out! You won't be disappointed. :)


Tifany said...

Great pictures...and those donuts are HUGE! Crazy!
PS - I love that one kid with the great faces...I am pretty sure you know who I mean.

Alyssa V said...

Oh my goodness...I LOST IT at #15. I love that kid!