February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day Shoot 2012

I love Valentine's Day.

L O V E it.

So I did a shoot for it...

 I had these two dolls come over on Friday night to help me out.
(The dress, red vest, and white tie came out of the costume closet.)

(Also from the closet...)
We had SOOOO much fun together.

Javan originally wanted nothing to do with this umbrella before the shoot started...
until he figured out it reminded him of Mary Poppins...
then he didn't want to put it down...

Love Javan's little model face.


He kills me.

I have so many favorites...

These two pictures together made me laugh...
So dramatic.

SO cute!

Does anyone else think Javan's face looks weird in this (above) picture? haha

Lacie was ECSTATIC to get to play in a pile of dresses.
And... that's a wrap!
Hope you enjoyed! I'd love to hear your favorites.


Vampire Ballerina said...

I LOVE all of this pics.. you are so talented!

Tifany said...

They are ALL adorable!!!

Miss Lana said...

love them... they are naturals!

Laura said...

That's amazing! Those are some blessed kiddos! Cute cute!!!

Christina Steward said...

Hey Alicia!!! Thanks for finding me on Pinterest a few weeks ago! I LOVE the second to last photo of her tossing the dresses in the air. She looks beyond thrilled to be bathing in all those pretty dresses! I love your blog too. You're photos are fantastic! Josh said to tell you hello! We just started a blog ourselves. It should be linked through my name if you'd like to check it out. Also, LOVE the donut shoot you posted the other day!

Caroline said...

Oh my goodness, so absolutely sooooo cute. They are so wonderful to look at and show off the kid's personalities. Thanks so much for posting. Love how you present your work...so fun.

Peggy DeGough said...

Love,love,love!! I have a huge smile on my face! Your work is incredible! Of course your little models are a favorite of mine! :-)

Ashley Baldwin said...

Oh My Goodness! Alisha these's pictures are amazing!